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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Printer Frustrations! URGH!!!!

So for the past couple of days my printer hasn't been printing out any words that are typed in black. I wasn't concerned about it because my printer ran out of black ink. Well last night I put in a new cartridge and I still couldn't get it to work. I messed with it for 3 hours, to no avail. The only thing I accomplished was wasting a ton of toner trying to figure out the problem.

Clean the print heads...print....clean the print heads....print...clean the print heads....print.

It's very frustrating especially since I have to print out 17 photos for a daisy scout scrapbooking project (that I'm in charge of) for Thursday, and directions and pictures for a scrapbooking class I am teaching on Saturday.

So, the choice is to pay for service on my existing printer or buy a new one. Neither option sounded good to me....because I like my printer. Well after researching photo printers online all morning I found a printer for $79.99 that got very good reviews and it's in stock locally. And to make it even better, there is a $50 rebate. So if I actually get the rebate (I've really had problems collecting some that I have sent in), the printer will only be $29.99. Heck, you can't even buy ink refills for that price. So needless to say, my mood has picked up a bit since. Still, I would prefer to do nothing. Maybe my printer will miracously fix itself today!

Ok, well on to the Treasured Scrapbooking Blog Challenge for today. List 5 things I like to do besides scrapbooking.

1. Hanging out with husband and daughter. This could be alot of different things. You know... like vacations, hanging out at the lake, Little Sahara, the movies, etc.

2. Shop garage sales, flea markets, estate sales, name it. Anywhere you can find old and cheap treasures...I wanna be there. I love antique stores too...I just can't afford them.

3. Shabby Chicing/Trash-to-Treasuring. I love to take less than pretty items and dress them up to look better.

4. Reading. Reading fiction mostly. But I also like to read magazines, and the internet (I do a lot of reading on the internet). I like to get ideas you know.

5. Watching TV. I admit it...I'm a tv junkie. And getting my video MP3 player will allow me to watch more if I want. (That's probably not a good thing).

So those are 5 of my favorite things to do.

Have a good day everyone!


Blogger Kimmy said...

See I am having the opposite problem. I can't print color! It comes out pink- that's it! That sounds like an awesome deal!

2:58 PM  

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