I'm Loving My New MP3 Player!

I'm slowly but surely figuring out how to navigate my new MP3 player. This morning in lieu of my workout video, I decided to take my new MP3 player and my legs out for a walk. I dropped Allie off at school this morning. Then I walked across the parking lot to walk laps around the church and through the cemetary (don't laugh...I'm not the only one who does it). I walked for 90 minutes. I listened CD 1 of a book on cd and also to music for a while. I came home and took a picture of myself (ignore the pooch trying unsucessfully trying to hide in the background). I wore a belt so I could corral everything on my right hip. Let's see, of course I had to take my new MP3 Player. Can't forget the cell phone (even though I only get marginal coverage out there). And of course my podimeter (or whatever it's called). By 9:30 this morning I had already registered 11,000 steps for the day. Since the recommendation is for 10,000 steps a day, I guess I don't have to take another step for the rest of the day! It was a beautiful day.
The 8th grade is graduating this evening. They were outside the church taking pictures in their cap and gowns. It almost made me sad...the time passes so quickly, Allison will be that graduating eighth grader before I know it. I will be very very sad. I'm glad the 8th graders had such a beautiful day today.
I think walking in a cementary is a great idea....interesting monuments to read and see.....maybe you should walk and them make some rubbings, then walk and stop and make rubbins....what a great and interesting layout that would make!
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