Getting ready for my BIG class

This is what it looks like getting ready for a scrapbook class of 30. Oh my, after doing this, I so appreciate the time other teachers have spent on me! The packets are nearly done. Kitting them up now. However, I have to go a little early tomorrow, because some of my paper didn't arrive at the store until after I left yesterday, and it's too far to make a special trip. The embellishment packs is where most of the time was devoted. I worked on it about 2 hours, Clay worked on it for about 2 1/2 hours and Allie helped for about an hour. So about 5 hours just in the embellishment baggie alone. I did a lot of the work for the students so they could finish their projects in class. Plus I only have 1 hour between classes, and I'm gonna need to eat (and on). The paper didn't take much more than an hour. I still need to pack up my supplies too. I'll be done in about another hour.
Captured Memories is having a garage sale tomorrow for people to sell old scrapbook supplies. They have 30 people (I think) that are selling items. And there is a TON of them! I saw what they already had yesterday and I was floored, and only about half the people had brought their stuff in. It would be a great way to score a tote on wheels for anybody who wants one. The stuff had awesome prices on it. Everybody local should go check it out!
By the way, don't look at my mess. I also have bags and stacks of stuff to get ready for Allie's 8th Birthday party later this month. She's gonna have a "Salon Party".
Love to all.......
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