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Friday, September 01, 2006

My 3rd and BEST post of the day!!!!!

Today was the day that KI Memories was making calls for their Celebrate Color Contest. I knew I came up with a unique entry...but I also knew there would be a lot of people submitting entries.

I was gone much of the day today, but when I got home mid-afternoon, I decided to look around to see if any posts were made about the calls going out. 2 peas had several threads going on, one of which was from KI saying they were still deliberating and it would likely be this evening before the calls went out.

I couldn't remember what phone number I put on my entry. So I forwarded my cell phone to my home phone just to be sure. Around 6:00 Clay and Allison talked me into going to Louisburg for a tractor pull. I really wanted to stay home and scrap, and bite my nails, but I gave in and went.

I checked my phone numerous times and called home to check the answering machine several times. Finally, around 9:00 I gave up. When we got home around 10:00 the first place I went to was the answering machine. THERE WAS A NEW MESSAGE!!! I pushed the button and walked away. Clay went by the answering machine to listen. When I heard it was from KI I started jumping up and down and screaming. Clay kept trying to sush me so he could hear what was being said (I was waaaaaay to excited to listen at this point).

Can you believe it? This is probably the best phone call I've ever received in my life. And though I would have loved to talk to Kim and Ira in person, I'm so glad I have that precious recording of their message. You can bet I'll be saving that message...FOREVER!


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