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Monday, January 22, 2007

11 Random Things about me

Creasa at CMK challenged us Bloggers to post 11 random things. Yikes....what do you want to know? This is gonna be random for sure!

1. Just booked at 12 night vacation (5 nights in Disney and 7 night Carribbean cruise). I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

2. I don't have any scrapping trips or conventions planned this year :(

3. I really need to start a diet and stick with it (see #1). Seriously thinking about joining Weight Watchers again. Lost 40 lbs. a couple of years ago. Put 25 back on. It long as you go! SOMEBODY WHO READS THIS PLEASE HOUND ME ABOUT THIS. I WANT TO LOOK GOOD (OR AT LEAST NOT BAD) ON THIS CRUISE!!!

4. Speaking of #3...I am hungry right now!

5. I have to work 4 days this week instead of 3. What a bummer. But we could use the extra money (again see #1).

6. I don't want to go to kickboxing so I can participate in an online chat with Danelle Johnson and Mellie Langworthy. But I have to go (again see #1).

7. I got a whole lot of scrapping done last weekend...that makes me happy. In fact I've been on a scrapping kick for over a month now...getting a lot accomplished. And I love what I've created. Too bad none of those DT's I've tried out for lately have shared my enthusiasm in my work.

8. My new camera makes me super happy. And I'm so happy that I joined a photography club to learn how to use the thing!

9. The wild birds at my house have been super hungry. I think it's a lot harder for them to find food under the ice and snow. I've been putting out lots of it. (this one was really random).

10. I heard from a friend today that I haven't spoken to in a while. Brought a smile to my face.

11. We went to see Casino Royale last night (007). That guy was much hotter than I thought he would be. Made for a nice viewing pleasure :)

Ok, 11 totally random things about me. Of course a lot of them were connected.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Guess What I got for X-Mas!

A new digital camera. And it's not just any digital's the Nikon D70s. Man does this camera ever rock. And the good news for my boss is that I can stop borrowing his!

Thanks to some great advice from a CMK friend, I ordered a Crumpler Camera bag to tote it around in. Love this bag. So stylish looking.

And I also joined a photography club. What is the likelihood of a photography club starting in the country about 5 miles from my home, and it started just before I got my camera. I missed the first meeting (cuz I didn't know I was getting the camera). But I made it to the second meeting. Boy do I ever have a lot to learn, but it's gonna be an awesome resource!

I made this cute Photography Journal to take to meeting to jot down notes. I designed it so that the colors would somewhat match my camera bag.

My CMK DT Entries

Well sadly, I didn't make the CMK DT. But that's ok. Because I'm really proud of the projects I submitted. There's always next year ...

Wow...what a Bad Blogger I am!

I'm gonna get back in the blogging groove. I've been surprising busy since my last post. What ever happened to a slow January. Not happening this year.

I must have Valentines Day on the mind. Take a peek at this project I completed yesterday. Love those SEI papers!

I taught 2 classes last week at Caputured Memories. I did a Recipe layouts class and a layouts class. I was very pleased at my attendence in both classes.

Here are pictures of the February layouts class I am teaching. The theme here is Valentines Day...just in case it's not that obvious.