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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Not a lot of creativity flowing here :(

I found out 11 days ago that I have a blood clot in my leg. I have been on bedrest going on my 10th day and I'm extremely bored. It would be wonderful if I felt up to scrapping, but sadly it's just too uncomfortable (even painful) for me.

I went to the doctor so he could reassure me that I didn't have a clot. He suspected I didn't, but had me undergo an ultrasound just to be sure. Good thing I went...even though he didn't give me the news I wanted to hear. He didn't really think I had it at first because I was lacking several of the major tell tale symptoms, mostly I was lacking the pain. Well it didn't take long for those symptoms to bear their ugly head. I was in serious pain for about 4 days. The worst is behind me and the pain is greatly subsiding. But it is still lingering. It was hurting me all the time. Now, the bulk of the pain comes when I'm vertical (but luckily even that pain is reduced). So since being vertical = pain, I elect to be horizontal and deal instead with the ache.

I've been experiencing improvements for the last 3 days, so I hope to keep up this pace. I might even sneak out of the house to watch my daughter's soccer game tomorrow evening.

I've had to cancel my September class at Captured Memories....I just can't get the class sample made up in time. :( The class is supposed to be 2 weeks from today. I should be vertical by then (keeping my fingers crossed). The store owner had to teach my last class for me last weekend because I simply wasn't able to do it.

This is the last project that I've made and photographed, but not yet published on my blog. It was for Creasa's challenge at CMK to use a rubon on a clear button. I love the way the card turned out.

Have a great weekend! I hope I have new projects to share soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

I hosted Scrappy Hour tonight

over at CMK. Scrappy Hour is a scrapping happy hour of sorts. Rachel is generally the host. Each week she puts together a quick class teaching us a new technique. At the beginning of the week, she'll post a supply list. Then on Friday (8:30 central time) Scrappy Hour begins. She posts the steps and takes pictures of the process. A new picture and step is posted about every 10 to 15 minutes. You have no idea what your (or her) final product will be until the final step. It's pretty wild because everybody's projects look so different. Yet it's such a fun way to scrap. If you're prepared and have your basic supplies ready ahead of time, you can scrap a project rather quickly.

Anyhow, Rachel loves to have guest hosts. I volunteered to host late in September. But being the procrastinator that I am (and the fact that it's less than 2 week before Allie's big 9th birthday bash and our big trip) I did the project nearly 2 months in advance. I let Rachel know that I was ready to go and could fill in for her if the need arose. Well she was sick this week so she called on me. I love my project and had been dying to post it so I'm happy to finally post it. The topic of my class was Getting Down & Dirty with Paint!.

I also finally posted a couple of my personal challenge layouts of finishing uncompleted projects. Here are those layouts:

I'm only 1 layout behind. So if I can get 2 uncompleted projects done this weekend, I will be caught up. I've been scrapping of sorts tonight....only I haven't pulled out a single supply. Just taking care of the photographing and online stuff. Unfortunately that doesn't count.

Now get a load of this beauty. I'm not exactly sure what it is. But it is a light. I believe it's meant to hang on the wall and not the ceiling though. I picked it up at a garage sale today for the tiny price of $1.25. You may be wondering what the heck I'm going to use it for...I know my husband is. Allison's 9th birthday party is going to be a Drive In Movie in our backyard. The show will be High School Musical. I going to bring the projector home from work and we will project the movie onto the back of the house. We will have a concession stand in Allie's playhouse. Finally now I know why I made my husband cut her front door in half (so that the top part can be open and the bottom could be closed...originally I was thinking puppet show but not one puppet show has been held there). My brother is going to light up the backyard with all the white Christmas bulbs they used when they had a Christmas tree lot. And now....well I've got a marquee (sp?). Isn't that what they call those lighted signs outside the movie theater. How could I have been so lucky to score this for that price. And when the party is over, it might make some pretty cool mood lighting for a 9 year old's bedroom. I'm wondering if I can write on it with a dry erase marker. I'll have to test an area.

And speaking of Allie, she got a palatte expander and braces yesterday. She has been such a trooper. Who would have thought that the most traumatic part for her is that she can't floss her teeth right now. We lost the special tool to do it so we'll have to go back to the dentist and get one next week. While most kids would be complaining about the pain and awkwardness of it, she's worried about flossing. She sure doesn't get that from her mother!

Well, maybe I'll take a few moments to scrap. Not many plans this weekend...but wish me luck. I'm walking in the Race for a Cure cancer walk on the Lazer Tow team on Sunday. Luckily it'll start at 7:45 am....because it's supposed to be 102 out that day. Yipes!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 06, 2007

I've been a scrapper slacker

this weekend so not one project completed. Ok, barely one started. I have started removing the outer and inner covering on an old make up case (suitcase style). I have a project planned for that.

I went to Goodwill for the first time in months. It's always one of those things that you bomb out on or score big...and this time I scored big! I spent a whopping $13 and walked away with loads of stuff...mostly stuff to be altered. So that brought up another problem. My "Things to Be Altered Shelf" is way overstuffed as it is. So I worked this weekend to improve the looks of this shelf by purging. I was able to widdle away my stack of catalogues from Summer 2006 CHA into just a small stack of ideas I didn't want to forget. Then I decided to begin purging my desk. Let me tell stinks being a hoarder. I got rid of tons...but still not enough. It's a sickness I'll tell you.

So since I have nothing scrappy to show except for a clean scrappy space, I will share this card my daughter made me last weekend. On the 26th I had a surgery and my mom came in town to take care of me because my husband wasn't able to get off work to (he did get off for the surgery itself...just not the following days). Anyhow, my mom had her new Paper Craft Creations 5 magazine. They decided to make me a card. Here is the card Allie picked out and made for me (with a little help from Grandma).

Isn't it adorable? Well I wanted to look through the magazine so my mom left it for me. Since I will be seeing my mother today, I decided I better to look through the magazine and get it back to her. Well I ran across Allie's inspiration card and it was made by none other than Melissa Phillips. I thought that was so cool. I sent Melissa a message that my daughter picked her card out of the whole magazine to make it for me. Of course, being the gracious person that Melissa is, she sent a nice little message back. And Allie thought it was super cool that I knew the designer of the original card, that I posted her card, and that the original creator loved her take on the card.

Well, I suppose my job is calling. Have a great week you all!

And NO....I didn't complete my challenge again this week. I've slacked 2 weeks in a row! I need to create 3 pages next week!