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Friday, July 14, 2006

It's a sell-out! Yeah!

I just got the news from Captured Memores that my Travel Journal class is a sell-out!

Yep...that means 12 slots have been filled over 2 full weeks before the class is scheduled to be. You may be telling yourself Big Whoopie! Well it is a big deal. This is my 4th class and my previous 3 classes had 12 students total between the 3 classes.

I just had to share the great news!

Scenes from Girl Scout Camp

Well the big word for yesterday was HEAT! It was hot at GS Camp! The girls did have a great time (most of the time) though. Here are some pictures of camp (ok my pictures are a bit out of order).

What did we do? Well we learned how to read a compass (something new for me). We made pet rocks (mine was a butterfly and Allie's was a snail). We made badge holders. We made all 85 of our swaps (small crafts that pin on your hat that you trade with other kids). We took turns on the rope bridge. We have plenty on the docket for today too.

First thing I did when I got home was make a bee-line for the shower. Then I enjoyed a piece of birthday cake. Clay made this cake for me. Didn't he do a great job. And it tasted great too!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy 38th Birthday to me! Aren't these cards beautiful. I got even more that I really love, but I thought I would share these 2. The card on the left was made by my mother. Isn't it beautiful? She did a fantastic job. I plan to fram this card cuz it would look so cute hanging on the wall. Her card creating has come a long way. She does way better cards than I do now. I need to talk her into submitting some of her work for publication, and this card would be a great place to start. The other beautiful card was created by Allison. She really does such a good job. She did this completely on her own. Daddy got the supplies out for her but she picked everything out on her own. My sister Michele and my best pal Brandi each made me beautiful cards too. Then I have 2 unopened cards (from my friend Annette and my in-laws). I will save them to open this evening with my birthday cake.

So what are my birthday plans? Well it'll be a doozy. So far I've done 2 loads of laundry and I am working on my third, I've unloaded the dishwasher, I've vacuumed the house, I've taken the trash out, made a couple of lunches and have been packing for Girl Scout Camp. In a while I will head to Mike & Lisa's (brother and wife) to pick up my birthday present (another memory stick for a camera and a surprise). Then off to the scrapbook store to pick up supplies for my class on July 29th (a vacation journal). Back home for a bite to eat then off to camp. Yep I am celebrating my birthday and the next 2 days at Girl Scout Camp. It will be 96 today & tomorrow and 99 on Saturday. Heat index over 100. Oh yeah...and humid. The weather hasn't been too bad so far this summer, it's too bad that today is literally the hottest day of the season so far! **Sigh**.

Well I better continue on with my plans. I just wanted to share these beautiful cards.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Travel Portfolio

I made this portfolio to take with me on my travels later this month. On the 20th I'm leaving for Chicago (again) to attend CHA. CHA is the Craft and Hobby Association retail show. Retails go there to order products for their stores. It is not open to the public and you have to be lucky enough to score a ticket to get in, and I was a lucky person.

Then the following week we are going to Wisconsin to stay at Clay's cousins cabin. I'll put my travel directions, site seeing info. and whatever else I can think to put in there. This was all made with free product I received from SEI.....Granny's Kitchen line.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The World's Worst Garage Sale

Yep...I just had it. I didn't even make enough money to pay for the $15.75 ad I placed. I was about $3.00 short if you can believe that. All day Thursday, all day Friday and a couple of hours on Saturday and I made a little over $12. Pathetic!

And could you resist these cuties? Well apparently people had no problem doing it. They sold a whopping 3 glasses of lemonade. What's the matter with people? I usually buy the lemonde even if I don't want it.